At Foxtail Productions in Toowoomba, our expert videographers shoot a wide range of events for various businesses throughout SEQ (Toowoomba, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast) and Australia-wide. We can produce archival recordings, highlight videos, live-mix productions and more in order to showcase your event online in the best way possible. Our videographers are fully insured, and all equipment provided complies with Australian safety standards.
Call us today on (07) 4637 8852 to book an in-person or online consultation. We’ve got the cameras, lighting and creative flair to make your event relevant online for a long time.
Note: We can edit (and improve) existing videos or edit clips to suit shorter formats.
Think a clip of your event would work as a video on social media? We can take archival footage, highlights and more to create an eye-catching social media video.
Showcasing a product at your event? We also provide in-studio product promotional videos that are suitable for online advertising.
Looking to live stream an event? We use broadcast-quality cameras with long lenses to smoothly record fast-moving moments and provide flicker-free HD footage.