That’s where we come in! At Foxtail Productions in Toowoomba, we produce customer-friendly corporate branding videos for businesses throughout SEQ (Toowoomba, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast) and Australia-wide. Our dedicated videographers will create an engaging and unique video that best showcases your business. Whether you’re looking to create a new product launch, social media campaign, TV commercial or otherwise, our scriptwriters, producers, directors and more will create a polished video that differentiates your business from the competition.
The average person’s attention span is eight seconds—let us create a short and captivating video that will keep them watching for longer. Call us today on (07) 4637 8852 to book an in-person or online consultation.
Note: We can edit (and improve) existing videos or edit clips to suit shorter formats.
TV is an old form of advertising that’s still reliable present day—and for good reason! We can create a 15-second, 30-second or long-form TV commercial that sticks with the consumer.
‘Like’ the idea of a social media video for your business? Click here to learn more about how we can boost your business’s brand online.
Introducing a new product to the world? We can create engaging and creative promotional videos to showcase your product in the best light.
Got a celebrity who wants to endorse your product? That’s fantastic news! At Foxtail Productions, we can produce and edit videos involving a celebrity ambassador. Having a public figure endorse your product can really take your business to the next level—and we’re here to assist. Call us today on (07) 4637 8852 to discuss further.